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Torque Tool Calibration Transducers, TT and STT Series

Product Details
  • Traditional SR hex flange style
  • Can be mounted to ML 250 and ML 600 Mechanical Loaders
  • Can be Mounted to Quad Plate for multiple mounting on ML 250
  • Detachable cable (Part No: 10293) is required for all transducers
  • TT25IO, TT1000 and TT2000 include detachable cable (Part No: 10293)
  • Larger sizes (500 ft. lbs. and above) can be mounted on UMB L-bracket
  • Smaller sizes (up to 400 in. oz. capacity) can be mounted to SSMB, STMB, or UMB brackets
  • PLEASE NOTE: See below for manuals & details drawings; click the drop down menu, click on specific product PDF, click the download button
Technical Details
Grouped product items
Part number Buy online
Torque Tool Calibration Transducer - System 8, 2.5 - 25 inoz 10009 TT 25IO 1.77 - 17.7 cNM 2.5 - 25 0.18-1.8 kgf·cm 0.25 in
Torque Tool Calibration Transducer - TT Series , 1 - 10 in-lb 10285 STT 10I 11.3 - 113 cNM 16-160 1.15-11.5 kgf·cm 0.25 in
Torque Tool Calibration Transducer - TT Series, 5 - 50 in-lb 10286 STT 50I 0.4-4 lbf·ft 0.56-5.6 N·m 5.6-57 kgf·cm 0.25 in
Torque Tool Calibration Transducer - TT Series, 10 - 100 in-lb 10287 STT 100I 0.83-8.3 lbf·ft 1.13-11.3 N·m 11.5-115 kgf·cm 0.375 in
Torque Tool Calibration Transducer - TT Series, 30 - 300 in-lb 10288 STT 300I 2.5-25 lbf·ft 3.4-34 N·m 34.5-345 kgf·cm 0.375 in
Torque Tool Calibration Transducer - TT Series, 8 - 80 ft-lb 10289 STT 80 8-80 lbf·ft 10.8-108.5 N·m 110.6-1106 kgf·cm 0.5 in
Torque Tool Calibration Transducer - TT Series, 15 - 150 ft-lb 10290 STT 150 15-150 lbf·ft 20.3-203.4 N·m 207.4-2073.8 kgf·cm 0.5 in
Torque Tool Calibration Transducer - TT Series, 25 - 250 ft-lb 10291 STT 250 25-250 lbf·ft 34-340 N·m 345.6-3456.4 kgf·cm 0.75 in
Torque Tool Calibration Transducer - TT Series, 60 - 600 ft-lb 10292 STT 600 60-600 lbf·ft 81.3-813.5 N·m 8.3-83 kgf·m 0.75 in
Torque Tool Calibration Transducer - TT Series, 100 - 1000 ft-lb 10026 TT 1000 100-1000 lbf·ft 135.6-1355.8 N·m 14-138.2 kgf·m 1 in
Torque Tool Calibration Transducer - TT Series, 200 - 2000 ft-lb 10027 TT 2000 200-2000 lbf·ft 271.2-2712 N·m 28-276.5 kgf·m 1 in
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