1100 Series Exacta 2 Digital Torque Wrench, ft-lb
Product Details
- Bi-directional +/- 1% Indicated Value Accuracy from 20% to 100% of capacity, both CW and CCW
- Meets or exceeds requirements of ASME B107.300-2010 and ISO 6789
- Yellow/Green/Red color scheme informs the operator of tightening status - regardless of tool orientation; Yellow - the torque specification is being approached; Green - The current torque is in the specification; Red - The maximum torque specification has been exceeded
- “OK/BAD” attribute notification, along with variable data on actual torque and unit of measure on display
- Wireless bi-directional communication with Global 8 controller; downloads specifications, uploads results.English and SI units of measure
- Tools of 150 ft.lb. capacity and below use SR Interchangeable Heads (1 7/16” Common Centerline)
- Tools of 250 ft.lb. capacity and below are available in either the traditional dovetail with pin and spring system for interchangeable heads or the Quick Change system
- Uses four (4) AA rechargeable NiMH batteries, thousands of cycles between battery charges
- Batteries and Charger not included
- Includes a lightweight and rugged blow-molded storage/carrying case
- Includes FREE certificate of calibration (unit of measure: Ft. Lb.) from our ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Laboratory!
- PLEASE NOTE: See below for manuals & details drawings; click the drop down menu, click on specific product PDF, click the download button
Technical Details